S.V.Institute of Management

A+ Grade in Business India's Best B-School Survey 2011 and 2012 both.

S.V.Institute of Management

Included in Top 50 Colleges of the Western Region in Indian Managements's Best Business School Survey (Nov. 2011).

S.V.Institute of Management

3rd rank among GTU affiliated MBA colleges-ICMR-4Ps Best B-School Survey 2011.

S.V.Institute of Management

Perception percentile score equal to IIM-A,Indian Management's Best Business School Survey (may 2011).

S.V.Institute of Management

Included in best colleges of West and Central Cluster in careers 360's Best B-School Srvey (Jan. 2011).

10 June, 2013

Fee Notice - MBA Sem - III

Date:- 10 / 06 / 2013.

-: NOTICE :-

 MBA Sem – III

 This is to inform all the students of MBA Sem – III that the last date for Payment of 'Tuition Fees' is 15-07-2013. It is compulsory to Pay the fees on or before due date. After due date there will be fine of ` 100 on per day basis.


The fees of respective semester are as under.





` 32,500/-

The fees must be paid either in cash or in demand draft. The demand draft should be in favor of S.V. Institute of Management, payable at Kadi.

Prof. (Dr.) Bhavin Pandya                                                               

Head of the Department